
Welcome to the official site for James "Cap'n" Cook - Bassist/Writer/Engineer/Producer.

Book James for your recording project.

If you need bass tracks, background vocals or need some production guidance, contact James. mailto:jamescookbass@gmail.com

Latest News

On to new adventures! 

After 12 years of touring the country and various parts of the world, I am officially no longer going to be hitting the road with Luke Bryan.

This has truly been an amazing and incredible time I have shared with with so many people. I thank everyone involved and want to give my most heartfelt thanks to those that have made the journey with me.

I will be concentrating on my production work I have been doing in my studio, Studio On The Ridge, and focusing on more recording with songwriters and artists in and around Nashville.

I am really looking forward to what is next! Spending more quality time with my family is also a big priority.

If you are looking to collaborate musically, shoot me an email and lets see what we can get into!!

Cheers everyone,


The Foundation - Bass and Drum instructional clinics 


In many of these areas I will be conducting instructional clinics along with fellow band-mate, Kent Slucher. Kent and I have assembled "The Foundation", an information-packed, enlightening and entertaining course that covers many aspects of playing and performing. Whether on stage in front of thousands, in small clubs, places of Worship, or in the studio, we have something for you.  We cover playing as a rhythm section, and what it takes to get to the professional level as a musician, no matter what your instrument is.  Please check out our page for more information on what we do and where we will be.

See you out there!

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